Utilising caching contrib’s pg_prewarm and pg_hibernator in PostgreSQL 9.4.

Numerous DBA’s (counting me), put questions all the time to PostgreSQL hackers/developers/architects on mailing list: Q1. Does PG has the ability to cache/warm a relation ? Q2. Is it possible to return to prior state of cache where it was left before shutting down the database server because of maintenance ? In earlier releases of…

Few areas of improvements in PostgreSQL 9.4

With the beta release of PostgreSQL 9.4, DBA’s have been given some cool features like pg_prewarm, JSONB, ALTER SYSTEM, Replication Slots and many more. Out of numerous architectural level features presented in this version, likewise there are other few minor enhancements those I have attempted to cover in this blog. pg_stat_activity view included two new…

“WARNING: Mismatch found between sl_table and pg_class.” in Slony-I

WARNING: Mismatch found between sl_table and pg_class. Slonik command REPAIR CONFIG may be useful to rectify this.2014-04-26 07:32:54 PDT FATAL slon_node_health_check() returned false – fatal health problem!REPAIR CONFIG may be helpful to rectify this problem You see this WARNING message in logs and immediate stop of replication, if Slony has observed a mismatch of pg_class.oid…

Faster statistics update after upgrade using “vacuumdb –analyze-in-stages” in PostgreSQL 9.4

As all of you know after upgrading the database server from one version to other major version, ANALYZE command should be executed to update the pg_catalogs on newly populated data. On a huge upgraded database, its a challenge for the application to gain its performance back without updating the statistics. In PostgreSQL 9.4, an option…

While performing PITR, would it be possible to Pause/Resume in PostgreSQL ?

Yes, truly possible and handled smartly by PostgreSQL. To demo this, first I need to take after the standard technique of Point in Time Recovery in PostgreSQL. Various Books/Articles/Blogs demoed extremely well by extraordinary authors, hence am not going into details of how to do it, however, heading off directly to the subject i.e., how…