Few areas of improvements in PostgreSQL 9.4

With the beta release of PostgreSQL 9.4, DBA’s have been given some cool features like pg_prewarm, JSONB, ALTER SYSTEM, Replication Slots and many more. Out of numerous architectural level features presented in this version, likewise there are other few minor enhancements those I have attempted to cover in this blog.

pg_stat_activity view included two new columns (backend_xid/backend_min) to track the transaction id information. pg_stat_activity.backend_xid column covers the id of top-level transaction currently begin executed and pg_stat_activity.backend_xmin column covers the information of minimal running XID. Check out below two query outputs executed in two different situations, first one show the hierarchal information of the transaction id in backend_xmin column of sessions trying to acquire lock(table/Row) on same row, whereas other one just an independent transactions happening without disturbing the same row. This kind of a information help user to know more about the transactions when waiting queries found in the database.

postgres=# select pid,backend_xid,backend_xmin,query from pg_stat_activity where pid<>pg_backend_pid();
pid | backend_xid | backend_xmin | query
22351 | 1905 | 1904 | insert into a values (1);
785 | 1904 | | insert into a values (1);
12796 | | 1904 | truncate a;
12905 | | 1904 | delete from a ;

postgres=# select pid,backend_xid,backend_xmin,query from pg_stat_activity where pid<>pg_backend_pid();
pid | backend_xid | backend_xmin | query
22351 | | | insert into foo values (1);
785 | 1900 | | insert into foo values (1);
(2 rows)

New clauses in CREATE TABLESPACE/ALTER TABLESPACE as “with” and “move” options respectively. Similarly, meta command db+ to give detailed information about the parameters set for a particular TABLESPACE using “with” option.

postgres=# h create tablespace
Description: define a new tablespace
CREATE TABLESPACE tablespace_name
[ OWNER user_name ]
LOCATION 'directory'
[ WITH ( tablespace_option = value [, ... ] ) ]


postgres=# create tablespace t1 location '/usr/local/pgpatch/pg/ts' with (seq_page_cost=1,random_page_cost=3);

postgres=# db+
List of tablespaces
Name | Owner | Location | Access privileges | Options | Description
pg_default | postgres | | | |
pg_global | postgres | | | |
t1 | postgres | /usr/local/pgpatch/pg/ts | | {seq_page_cost=1,random_page_cost=3} |
(3 rows)

New system functions to give information on type regclass,regproc,regprocedure,regoper,regoperator and regtype. For all the types, new functions are to_regclass(), to_regproc(), to_regprocedure(), to_regoper(), to_regoperator() and to_regtype().

select to_regclass('pg_catalog.pg_class'),to_regtype('pg_catalog.int4'),to_regprocedure('pg_catalog.abs(numeric)'),to_regproc('pg_catalog.now'),to_regoper('pg_catalog.||/');
to_regclass | to_regtype | to_regprocedure | to_regproc | to_regoper
pg_class | integer | abs(numeric) | now | ||/
(1 row)

New “-g” option in command line utility CREATEUSER to specify role membership.

-bash-4.1$ createuser -g rw -p 10407 r1 
-bash-4.1$ psql -p 10407
psql (9.4beta1) Type "help" for help.

postgres=# dg
List of roles
Role name | Attributes | Member of
postgres | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication | {}
r1 | | {rw}

pg_stat_all_tables view, has a new column “n_mod_since_analyze”, which highlights on the number of rows has been modified since the table was last analyzed. Below outputs brief about the “n_mod_since_analyze” column changes, first time manual analyze executed and after sometime autovacuum invoked on the table, in this duration we can figure out how many rows effected with different catalog update calls.

postgres=# analyze a;
postgres=# select relname,last_autoanalyze,last_analyze,n_mod_since_analyze from pg_stat_all_tables where relname='a';
relname | last_autoanalyze | last_analyze | n_mod_since_analyze
a | | 2014-05-03 02:09:51.002006-07 | 0
(1 row)

postgres=# insert into a values(generate_series(1,100));
INSERT 0 100
postgres=# select relname,last_autoanalyze,last_analyze,n_mod_since_analyze from pg_stat_all_tables where relname='a';
relname | last_autoanalyze | last_analyze | n_mod_since_analyze
a | | 2014-05-03 02:09:51.002006-07 | 100
(1 row)

postgres=# truncate a;
postgres=# select relname,last_autoanalyze,last_analyze,n_mod_since_analyze from pg_stat_all_tables where relname='a';
relname | last_autoanalyze | last_analyze | n_mod_since_analyze
a | | 2014-05-03 02:09:51.002006-07 | 100
(1 row)

postgres=# select relname,last_autoanalyze,last_analyze,n_mod_since_analyze from pg_stat_all_tables where relname='a';
relname | last_autoanalyze | last_analyze | n_mod_since_analyze
a | 2014-05-03 02:14:21.806912-07 | 2014-05-03 02:09:51.002006-07 | 0
(1 row)

pg_stat_archiver, its a new view introduced to track all WALs generated and it also captures failed WAL’s count. If you are from Oracle then this one is like “ARCHIVE LOG LIST”.

postgres=# select * from pg_stat_archiver ;
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+------------------------------
archived_count | 167
last_archived_wal | 00000001000000000000009B
last_archived_time | 2014-05-02 20:42:36.230998-07
failed_count | 75
last_failed_wal | 000000010000000000000012
last_failed_time | 2014-05-01 12:09:57.087644-07
stats_reset | 2014-04-30 19:02:01.288521-07

pg_stat_statements, extension module has a new column queryid to track the internal hash code, computed from the statement’s parse tree.

postgres=# select queryid,query from pg_stat_statements;
queryid | query
1144716789 | select * from pg_stat_statements ;
(1 row)

Thank you.


6 Replies to “Few areas of improvements in PostgreSQL 9.4”

  1. Hello Raghavendra,Do you know whether there is a similar &#39VACUUM&#39 systemattribute as "n_mod_since_analyze" ? Like "n_mode_since_vacuum" maybe? Greetz from Germany

  2. Ah.. my bad.. my intention was not to say there aren&#39t any improvements. Sorry if it has highlighted in that way. I should have titled "A few improvements in PG 9.4". I will be careful on titling in future for upcoming blogs. Thank you.

  3. The title implies that there aren&#39t many improvements to postgres 9.4. Maybe you wanted to write "A few improvements in Postgres 9.4"?

  4. Hello Raghavendra,

    Do you know whether there is a similar 'VACUUM' systemattribute as "n_mod_since_analyze" ? Like "n_mode_since_vacuum" maybe?

    Greetz from Germany

  5. Ah.. my bad.. my intention was not to say there aren't any improvements. Sorry if it has highlighted in that way. I should have titled "A few improvements in PG 9.4". I will be careful on titling in future for upcoming blogs. Thank you.

  6. The title implies that there aren't many improvements to postgres 9.4. Maybe you wanted to write "A few improvements in Postgres 9.4"?

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